Wednesday, January 27, 2010

January 27, 2010

BIG NEWS!!! Just had my first baptism January 24, 2010. Her name is Daphne. We have been teaching her and her mother for about 2 months I've taught only two lessons and they went great. Daphne is English speaking and her mother Marie is French speaking. Daphne and Marie were suppose to be baptised together but she doesnt want to worship Joseph Smith... Looks like we need to talk a little bit more about who Joseph Smith is and what a Prophet is... But dont fret all things are done on the Lord's time.

French is going alot better now im understanding alot more then I was my first couple of weeks. I hope everything goes well with the family they are in our prayers. Tell Chelsea the doctor told me I tested negative too and then the good doctor poked my appendix and said does that hurt well I think you have appendicitis lets do an MRI of you abdomin. Good thing he finally asked me what hurt and took a look rather than just stupid blood tests.

I have attached pictures of the baptism the group picture from left to right is Sister Woofinden, Elder Hirschi(like the chocolate), Elder Bradford, Daphne, Marie, Myself, and Elder Mezerai. Elder Hirschi and Elder Bradford are the other French speaking Elders who are in the DC North area and I havent met the other 2 French speaking Elders yet. The next picture is of Daphne and I and the next picture is Our roommates and us at the bowling alley for Zone Activity today. From left to right me, Elder Bishop, Elder Mezerai, and Elder Chandler. Elder Bishop and Chandler are English speaking Elders. The last picture is of the whole Zone(Don't even ask me for their names I can barely get half of them)
Anyways I am having alot of fun in the field. Especially all the sirens and people swearing at us. The only thing that keeps me going is knowing that when this is all over I know that I was fighting for the "good guys" Anyways I love you all and will send you another letter next week and dont be scared to write me a letter It gets really boring not having mail to read on P-day.

Love Elder Van Dyke

Also really cool story I forgot to include in my last email. So Yesterday we went and taught a less active member his name is Raymond and the reason he is inactive is his wife passed away 3-4 years ago from cancer. Well I knew he understood English so I broke the French barrier and stopped Elder Mezerai and read him one of my seminary inserts it was a quote from Elder Boyd K. Packer and it was about how we think that we need instant gratification and one of Raymond's problems which he told us was a lot about his wife and how she died but also that when they found out she had cancer that everyone said we will pray for her and keep her in our prayers and then she died so he became inactive and He doesn't believe miracles exist anymore and its mainly because of his Mom who lives with him. She isn't "Mormon" I don't know exactly what she is only that she believes in God and Jesus Christ but she wouldn't shut up about how she doesn't pray for anyone except herself because God wont change his mind and that she also doesn't believe miracles happen anymore well finally I rebuked her and told her that If she isn't praying for anyone but herself she is being selfish and that by only praying for herself those that needed her prayers wont be able to receive those blessings because she is no longer praying for them and finally she was quiet and then I told Raymond about how mom and chelsea both had tumors and that we prayed and fasted for them and the tumors were not positive for cancer and then I told him the story of Uncle Bill and how much he meant to me and that he was suppose to die from cancer before I was even born but that through faith, fasting, and prayer he was able to live a lot longer then he should of and I told him that Uncle Bill taught me a lot of stuff and that because he was able to live longer that I was able to learn those things that I needed to learn from him and that even though I didn't want him to die that I finally realized that for me to not want his to die is selfish of me because one he was suffering and two that even though I love him he is doing 1,000 times greater things on the other side and that I know that he was teaching people on the other side about the Gospel and doing missionary work there. I explained to him that there is no such thing as an accident to God everything happens for a reason I then told him that its sad that his wife is dead now but that she is doing what the Lord needs her to do that She is doing missionary work on the other side we talked some more in French and then we prayed and as we walked out the door I was prompted to ask him I said "Raymond have you been reading your scriptures and saying your prayers every night?" He answered "Yes I have" I then responded "Raymond If you keep reading your scriptures and saying your prayers every night that there is a miracle that is about to happen to you" He then looked me straight in the eye and said "I know what you just said is true... Thank You" Then we left.

It was one of the best lessons I've had the spirit was so strong so long as his mother kept her mouth closed. Anyways send this to everyone and Remember that we all have a strong testimony in the Book of Mormon but have you been reading it? Have you not only been praying for your friends, family and your needs but have you been praying to know that the Book of Mormon is true? Just because God gave you the answer once doesn't mean he wont give it to you again. Its like brushing our teeth if you brush your teeth once and don't do it again will your teeth stay white?(If you answered yes. Email Uncle Larrell and ask his opinion) Ask your Father in Heaven every night every time you read and ask if the Book of Mormon is true.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

January 20, 2010

Hey Dad my P-day is going to be every Wednesday now so expect my email a little after noon every wednesday. Also will you please send me my player hockey stick and my player gloves and also TomTom. It is ridiculous to get around here and we are hoping that if we can get TomTom we won't be so lost all the time, and I would like my hockey stick and gloves because im not allowed to work out yet so I want to practice my stick handling so I have something to do in the mornings besides eat :)

My new address is
Elder Joshua Van Dyke
Washington D.C. North mission
11700 Falls Road
Potomac, MD 20854

Right now im not even in D.C. im in MD there is only one French mission that covers D.C. and the apartment isnt even in the D.C. area. My companion is Elder Mezerai he is from France. He speaks amazing French of course. French is freaking crazy hard my first couple of appointments I did'nt understand a single word the investigators were saying. It's getting better now. I can pick out what the basics topic or subject of the conversation is. Everyone asks where im from and when I tell them Canada they all automatically say "Quebec?" It's funny cause then I tell them no Ontario and they don't know where that is LoL its pretty funny.
This week we have 2 baptisms Marie and her daughter Daphnee and then we have 2 baptisms for Feb. with Moise and Michelle and remember I havent taught anyone that is white and none of them are from anywhere else except Africa. They are all really humble and lovable people. I've been able to speak with the people but I havent been able to really understand what they aer saying to me yet. Oh we had rabbit for dinner two nights ago it was really good it is like 100 times better then chicken. But other than that I havent had a lot of African food because the members know that im not use to food like that so they make american food African style so we asked one of the sisters who is feeding us 3 times in the next couple of weeks if she would cook some Afican food for me to try. We will see how that goes :)
Anyways I just wanted to tell you Im doing good I regret not bringing my Ipod with me now. If you find any Cd's that are all hymns send them to me please. I cant stand the same Christmas Hymns over and over and over and over in the car. The only music we are allowed to listen to in the car is hymns so as long as its a hymn it can be played by anyone just had to be a hymn. Well thats all I can think of for now. If you have any questions write me so I can answer them. I love you all lots :)

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

January 8, 2010

Hello Family and friends. This week in the MTC has been very interesting. Because I have been delayed I lost one of my teachers and gained a new one. His name is Frére Kelly he is really cool i've learned quite a bit from him. Soeur Roubicek showed me that I can speak French which I didnt know was possible for me. Pretty cool to see how much I have learned here at the MTC.
When I returned from the Hospital all of the French teachers from our zone knew that I had surgery on my appendix it was really cool because everyone of them was like "are you okay?" "how are you feeling?" and they would tell me stories of when they had surgery while they were on their missions. Frére St. Claire had surgery on his appendix his first week in the MTC! I couldnt believe it. It was cool having people close to me and being able to talk to them about their experiences with surgery and what helped them the most. I feel alot better now then I did last week so hopefully I can get out of here soon and get to the field. The teachers have also been keeping me busy. I have been teaching each district a lesson from PMG that the teachers have asked me to teach. Its really cool being the teacher and sharing with the districts things that have helped me progress so much and being able to help them progress. I have enjoyed it alot. I wouldnt mind coming back to the MTC to teach after my mission. I dont have much to say this week mainly because I have been sleeping in alot and resting alot so I havent done a whole lot of things but I have been recovering faster.

Well I hope to hear from you all soon love you
-Love Elder Van Dyke

Friday, January 1, 2010

Friday January 1, 2010


I don't know if my father has told you all already but I had to go to the hospital and get my apendix removed. Let me tell you how this all came about it is a very great story about tender mercies from the Lord.

On Tuesday Dec. 29 I was moving my clothes and luggage and such to my new room because my room mates/companions all left to their missions or to their temporary missions so I had to move into another room with Elders so I wouldnt be alone. As I was moving my new companion Elder Brobbey was helping me and he left the top drawer open and I wasnt paying attention and as I was moving some things I swung my head and smacked it right on the corner of the drawer. I didnt pass out or anything but I did smack my head pretty hard and gave myself a huge headache. On Wednesday Dec. 30 Elder Brobbey suggested that I go to the Doctor because my headache was still pounding away and no matter what medication I took it was still pounding. We went to the Clinic at the MTC and set an appointment for 8:40am. I went to my appointment and found out I had a mild concussion and so Dr. Sampson gave me some excedrin and told me I would be okay in a couple says but If I had any signs of nausea or a change in sight to come back right away.

So by the time that was all done it was almost lunch time so I did some Personal Study and went to lunch after lunch I felt really sick to my stomach so Elder Brobbey took me back to the Doctor and on our way there my sight was going in and out of tunnel vision and my periphial vision was going fuzzy. We got to the clinic and Dr. Sampson took another look and me and sent me to the E.R. at Utah Valley Regional to get a C.A.T. scan of my head and to check out my brain. My results came back normal (as normal as possible for a hockey player haha) and he couldnt describe why I was having stomach problems so The Dr. gave me some morphine for the headache and my stomach and said to rest.

Elder Brobbey and I missed dinner and so the MTC staff made us some sack lunches and we went to GYM while they played I sat and drank my water after about an hour after eating the sandwhich I was given I felt really sick and so I was rushed back to the E.R. but not without receiving a blessing from my companions first. When we got there they gave me some more morphine and took more blood and ran more tests and while Elder Brobbey and I were waiting Pres. Robinson my Branch President showed up to comfort me. The tests all came back as normal once again and they gave me some perkiset for the pain and Pres. Robinson drove us home (MTC).

Thursday Dec. 31 I woke up feeling ill and so I stayed in bed Elder Brobbey stayed with me and then someone called us on the loud speaker and said Dr. Brown wanted to talk to me so security brought us up a cell phone and called Dr. Brown for me and after telling him how I felt he said go back to the E.R. so security took me back to the E.R. and it took for ever for them to give me pain medicine but they took more samples and ran even more tests and the Dr. I had this time had a feeling to take a C.A.T. scan of my stomach after we received those results he said "Out with the appendix" I asked him if I would be delayed he said he wouldnt delay me because of the simplicity of the surgery but it was up to the MTC doctors weither or not I get delayed so yesterday Thursday Dec. 31 I had my appendix removed and was able to see my Dad and talk with him and my Mom and then about 2 hours ago (10:00am) they released me into the real
world a.k.a. Rite Aid and I got all of my pain meds and stuff that I need.

Now I tell you that story because last Monday Dec. 28 I was suppose to leave for Washington D.C. but my Mission President called the MTC and said he would need me until Jan. 5th early in the morning but now because of my surgery the MTC doctors want to delay me for 2 weeks so I can do a follow up appointment with Dr. Watts So I guess the people in Washington D.C. will
just have to wait and become the elect :) I love you all and miss you all I will TTYL Dad I will probably be able to call you on the phone later Im not sure yet

Love Elder Van Dyke